Pine Oil is a derivative of Turpentine obtained by steam distillation of the species Pinus. Pine Oil has a strong piny odour and is miscible with alcohol. Pine Oil contains alpha-terpineol plus other cyclic terpene alcohols and terpene hydrocarbons. It has pleasant pine smell, notable antimicrobial power and excellent solvency. Pine oil is a phenolic disinfectant. It is generally effective against numerous bacterial strains and enveloped viruses. In the market Pine Oil is available in various grade. There are various types of derivatives such as DD Turpentine Oil, Dipentine Oil, Terpineol, Longi Folene Oil, Pine Tar, Camphor and many more.
We are serving various grades of Pine Oil such as mentioned.
• Pine Oil (Various grade)
• DD Turpentine Oil
• Terpineol (Extra Pure)
• Dipentine Oil
• PineTar